Not too long ago, I saw a poor soul with so many negative thoughts glued to her back that she’s bent over like a cripple. They’re working with her, but she’s got a long way to go. --Mary Patricia, Forget About Heaven
Thoughts are things—our closest, most intimate companions. Our thoughts are our creative force—we believe the thoughts that we create, and we act upon those beliefs. We perceive and relate to ourselves and the world according to the thoughts we generate and give energy to, whether those thoughts are positive or negative. Developed, persuasive thoughts are powerful generators of action and behavior. It is through thoughts that we create the world we decide to live in. Words are powerful and intentionally generated energy. Words ripen into influential thoughts with shaped and formed vibrational energy. Thoughts are potent instruments of our human consciousness that evolve into ideas. Those thoughts/ideas—whether destructive or constructive—are magnets that draw toward us the energy that we radiate. Positive or negative, among the most difficult things to eradicate is an idea that has taken root. We believe the thoughts that we create. We are the thoughts we create.
Aligning yourself with the forces of harmony creates more harmony within. This is not magic—it’s the structure of nature. But it is not as simple as “thinking good thoughts.” The Think Good Thoughts lecture is a trite and annoying cliché. It dismisses and diminishes the challenge of overcoming negative, destructive beliefs that have been conditioned and implanted by abuse. It rejects the punishing reality of living with powerful, silent, ever-increasing fear. No amount of force-feeding happy thoughts will transform fear into harmony. That takes determination and discipline, along with a strategy that includes an acceptance of personal authority.
Fear is an insidious, invasive energy. When you concede your natural, powerful authority to fear, you surrender authority as your own decision maker. Fear will command you and make all your decisions for you. Fear is an all-consuming energy. It will create for you exactly what you insist you are afraid of, plus. Fear responds to negative words and thoughts by creating more fear. The more negative energy you feed fear, the more powerful fear becomes. And the more powerful fear becomes, the further and further you slip away from your true self, your forever self, the you that knows how to achieve your highest good. The self that longs for harmony with your truth.
Thoughts are things—our closest, most intimate companions. When you begin the challenge of slowly shifting your thoughts/beliefs from negative to positive, from destructive to supportive; from lies to truth; when you start to connect with the inspirational force of your creative energy—the draw of your soul toward its brilliance—when you move your ideas toward personal creation as opposed to disheartening yourself with helplessness, you create an altitude of mind and slowly begin to transform. You will begin to believe your worth, accept your own authority, and seek the deepest truth hidden within you—the truth that never was and can never be destroyed by violence. That truth is the pathway to your greatest joy.
As you transform, you will begin to radiate light from the glow within. That light will attract more light, just as fear attracts more fear. You will begin to contribute to the healer inside yourself, instead of searching outward in vain for peace that only you can generate.
The more determined you become, the more you transform into your own personal gladiator—a protector of your interior self—and decide what words, thoughts and ideas to generate, the more powerful you will become. You will begin evolving in ways you never believed possible; in ways that were thwarted by negative thoughts and destructive behaviors created by abuse. The more confidence you generate, the more confident you become.
The events of violence will remain with a victim always. However, as you move forward committing purposeful energy to the life you desire, as you evolve into your authentic, empowered self and connect with your profound creative mission, those abuse memories will lose their grip, and their power over you will weaken. Understand that violence is a permanent, lifelong action visited upon its victim. Its vestiges will still have to be confronted when triggered. But with the active determination to shift focus and by aligning yourself with the forces of harmony, by shifting to an altitude of mind, the victim of violence will no longer be haunted by past events.
Your closest, most intimate companions—your thoughts—will create for you the world you have been searching for your entire life. You will be a powerful life force.