Complimentary Copy of Our Books
Women in Hiding Press (WIH Press) is dedicated to publishing non-fiction books to promote the silenced voices of women who have been victims of sexual and domestic abuse. Our primary mission is to give essential structure and accurate definition to sexual violence. WIH Press is attempting to negate prejudiced cultural and religious attitudes, and arbitrary social criterion for defining instances of sexual, physical and emotional violence against girls and women. We are offering our titles Women in Hiding, Breaking Through Silence and Forget About Heaven as complimentary, no-cost books, to advance our voice to the public and spread the word about this important topic. In doing so, we hope to empower women to speak out and reach out against their abusers and take back their lives. To receive your complimentary copy of any (or all) books, please complete the form below. You can also email us directly at If you wish to view Kathleen's Art click on the link: |