The fundamental purpose of inter-consciousness/spirit energy communication is
development of a deeper understanding of truth and evolution.
You don’t fit truth into your perception—truth expands your perception.
If a message resonates with you despite unrecognizable details, the message is for you.
Received By khf For Week of September 3, 2018
First thing this spirit energy did was announce her name: Fanny! She came into view as a thin but not frail elder wearing a modest, floral polyester dress with a peter pan collar. Just before she passed in her late eighties/early nineties, Fanny said she fell and sprained/broke her left elbow.
Fanny indicated that she was a teacher and feels a deep kinship with all teachers. In fact, she likes to think of herself as the Patron Saint of Teachers (though this apparently is not an official title). Fanny did not leave teaching by her own choosing, she said. Basically she was forced out by a bureaucratic situation, which she did not explain.
She greatly loved her students and wants to tell teachers: “You are teaching souls—you are entrusted with these young souls.”
Though Fanny dearly misses teaching and her students, she understands and respects boundaries and now only observes and does not interfere with students and teachers on the earth plane. (Though obviously she wanted to pass forward sentiments important to her spirit through this message.)
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The strong in-spirit guidance of a couple—a man and a woman—joined energies in an effort to connect with them spiritually through this message.
Related to their wedding day is a dock near/or over a river (some type of body of water) that is reached by a descending set of steep wooden stairs. The bride wore a simple A-line long white dress/gown. (I don’t know when the marriage occurred, but the couple looked to be in their mid twenties to early thirties at the time.)
Surrounding the energies of this couple is significant symbolism of time running out. This is not necessarily referring to physical death. However, it does strongly indicate a profound life disruption in their marital energy field that signifies a major impact on their marriage and coupleness.
Their joined spiritual guidance encourages this couple to say what they need to say, what they have never expressed to each other, and must say to avoid the deep and profound regret of crucial opportunities forever lost. What remains unsaid will acutely obstruct their individual spiritual and emotional peace when the inevitable occurs.
Their guidance indicates that the fall—October, specifically—has particular meaning to this couple. Whatever the significance, time to speak is of the essence as time is running out for them.
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A young, unsettled male spirit energy made connection indicating that he passed approximately three years ago in his late teens, early twenties. With his energy this young male implied that while on the earth plane he flitted all over the place. He claimed that he was lazy, did not want to focus, and refused to work that hard, and that his irresponsibility caused chaos for those around him. Evidently he was responsible in some way for motors in cars but his inattention and oversight created big problems not only for others, but also caused his death. Because of laziness, he’s “pushing up daisies,” he said.
Now on the spirit plane this young man said he longs for the light of understanding suggesting that it is much easier to gain understanding while still on the earth plane. He says he suffers deep grief--agony—over how he squandered his opportunities and his refusal to utilize the “tools” available to him (for development).
On the earth plane he says that he carried a lot of fear, and he still does not know why.
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Her energy read as exceptionally loving with a high degree of communication ability. She showed herself wearing a turban and demonstrated pressure on the front of her head, symbols of the brain cancer that ended her physical life. During her earth life she got a kick out of wearing several silver chains around her neck—at least a dozen—that resembled a long bib of glistening sterling silver.
She said that she had a big problem with the undertaker saying that “he twitched,” indicating that he promised one thing but did another and she was not happy about that!
During her earth life she was a part of a Christian ministry. She showed herself behind a pulpit. (With her exuberant energy and communication abilities, I’m not sure if she was a preacher or a gospel choir leader.) She said “they” (the ministry/gospel) traveled all over the world, including Rome.
Despite her irritation with the undertaker, she said that when she passed, “I knew the light when I saw it! I’m in my glory!! AMEN!!!”
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