The fundamental purpose of inter-consciousness/spirit energy communication is
development of a deeper understanding of truth and evolution.
You don’t fit truth into your perception—truth expands your perception.
If a message resonates with you despite unrecognizable details, the message is for you.
Received By khf
This in-spirit energy connected through the sensation of shuddering. He did not reveal his name, simply indicating that on the physical plane he was a man of wealth and privilege. According to him, he passed when his throat closed up and his head “exploded”, indicating an allergic reaction to something or other.
While on the earth plane, he stated that he “bound women by the legs,” and “bound women by the hands.” (This is symbolic indicating subjugation, repression.) He said he used women to “do his bidding.” He showed one woman getting breast implants just to please him.
Now on the spirit plane, he shudders with deep shame and horror over his behavior and over the way in which he concealed his actions from himself.
Through the sensation in my hands, he illustrated how his hands burn in correspondence to how he “bound the hands of women.”
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Annoying Dave connected by showing himself as a skinny guy balancing on his head wearing a too tight, too small, plaid PeeWee Herman-type suit, presumably for laughs. He indicated that he was a practical joker for his entire earth life. People defended him (his behavior) and he encouraged their excuses for his behavior because he just couldn’t help himself.
One person who did not encourage him was his wife, Ann—Dave did not pull his jokes on her. Ann, whose energy was near Dave’s during this connection, indicated that she always knew that there was something underneath Dave’s annoying behavior. Now on the spirit plane, Ann’s role is to stand back and observe; to give Dave room to figure it out for himself.
Dave indicates that he is beginning to sense creative abilities beneath the darkness and hostility of his practical jokes. But there is a block, he says, a clog on top of his light that he is only just beginning to see.
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Starfish connected with his name: STARFISH, showing that he played in clubs in a city with elevated trains (Chicago?). Starfish said he was referred to as a Negro, suggesting the 1950s. He indicated that he passed due to a lifetime of bodily excesses. While on the earth plane he had a pet iguana that he called, Fifth—as in fifth of whisky.
Starfish has immense creative energy. Now on the spirit plane, he says he “runs a school of musical inspiration.” His work is to inspire youngsters to dig deep into their creativity and fill the world with music!
ArtLight Initiative
Sharing light one piece of original artwork at a time