Are you repressing trauma?
Trauma is the response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope, causes feelings of helplessness, diminishes their sense of self and their ability to feel the full range of emotions and experiences.
Two truths about trauma: Trauma does not discriminate. Trauma is pervasive throughout the world.
While there is no criteria to evaluate what will cause post-trauma symptoms, situations typically involve the abuse of power, betrayal, helplessness, loss of control, and verbal or physical abuse. Traumatic situations can vary quite dramatically from person to person, and be defined by its response as well as its trigger.
A "yes" answer to any of these questions suggests embedded trauma energy. Trauma can be resolved. Emotional harmony can be developed. But support is vital. With mentorship, you can build emotional freedom. The power is within you.
Trauma is the response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope, causes feelings of helplessness, diminishes their sense of self and their ability to feel the full range of emotions and experiences.
Two truths about trauma: Trauma does not discriminate. Trauma is pervasive throughout the world.
While there is no criteria to evaluate what will cause post-trauma symptoms, situations typically involve the abuse of power, betrayal, helplessness, loss of control, and verbal or physical abuse. Traumatic situations can vary quite dramatically from person to person, and be defined by its response as well as its trigger.
- Do you trivialize being repeatedly hit, whipped, smacked, pinched, or beaten as a child?
- Is there something that happened to you in your past that you are too ashamed of to reveal to a trustworthy loved one? Have you persuaded yourself that you’ve moved on?
- Do you have difficulty distinguishing between reasonable discipline and child abuse, especially when it comes to your experiences?
- Do you believe that it is a betrayal to name a family member who seriously hurt you?
- Did a parent(s) systematically punish you with silence and you have accepted this as appropriate?
- Was a parent(s) indifferent to your presence, withholding affection and support?
- As a young person, were you continually blamed for wrongdoings you did not do?
- As a child were you refused a voice and forced to follow harsh, unreasonable rules? Do you minimize the impact of this on your present life?
- Were you repeatedly shamed and humiliated by an authority figure?
- Was the wrath of God used as a weapon against you to force you into obedience?
- Do you feel powerless?
- Were you ever coerced, manipulated, pressured, harassed, or forced into sexual acts? Do you blame and degrade yourself for the incident(s)? Have you convinced yourself that these events are unimportant and are all in the past?
- Do you make excuses for a parent or a relative’s mistreatment of you? Do you justify the abuse as deserved?
- As you’ve aged, has fear, guilt, shame, sadness and/or anger increased/intensified?
- Do you turn to food, drugs, alcohol, or other destructive behaviors to blunt emotional pain?
- Do you compel yourself to adhere to strict religious doctrines in hopes of gaining God’s favor and forgiveness? Do you mistreat yourself when you fall short?
- Does the innocuous, annoying behavior of others—remarks, requests, conduct—often trigger intense reactions from you?
- Do you feel lost? Disconnected from your loved ones? From your life? From your authentic self?
- Do you demean yourself with cruel self-talk?
- Do you feel unloved or unlovable?
- Have any of these questions made you feel angry or uncomfortable?
A "yes" answer to any of these questions suggests embedded trauma energy. Trauma can be resolved. Emotional harmony can be developed. But support is vital. With mentorship, you can build emotional freedom. The power is within you.